Thursday 2 September 2010

Narrative/ Audience/Genre Theory

Narrative/ Audience / Genre Theory

The Application of goodwins principals using 4 different types of music video (Narrative, performance and concept based).

Concept based video- Ok Go - Shall too pass.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?

I noticed a key moment within the video of 'shall too pass' of the relationships between lyrics and visuals. I saw it when the lyrics said 'when the morning comes' and the visuals shows a mini stage which looks like a picture scene of the sun rising.

What is the realtionship between music and visuals?

In parts of the video OK GO use the equipment they use for the video also to make their music. Such as when they use a guiter to spin around with spoons attached to it and let it spin with the spoons tapping glasses that are formed in a circle to make the musical noise. They have also used what you could call musical noises by using things to crash aginst one another or by simply just making a noise, e.g. water spilling or chairs banging.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star motifs?

There are many intercations of star motif within the music video. At the beginning when it shows the dominos falling in a line, it shows subtley the same which looks like a record cover of the OK GO'S album called of the blue colour of the sky, which i didn't relise was the name of the album until i watched the video which many people would have noticed also only when watching the video which is a very good promotional idea on OK GO'S part. When the umbrella is fanned the auidence would see a large, inflatable, pink name saying OK then on to see another large object sign saying OK GO then to follow with a lego title of the bands name again. I think they have put this within their video to make sure the audience know what the band is called. When the song is about finished there is a sign that shows ok then when an object hits it it reads ' Shall too pass' the name of the song. Within the video it shows the different band members such as at the beginning showing the man in the red and then showing others singing shown by a mid shot.

Is there any reference to the notion of looking?

There are many times when all of the members of the bandlook at the camera there are sometimes close-ups on some band members. When bad members look at the camera when singing the camera is moving away from the band member and they then keep looking at the camera like they are following, this involves the audience.

Are there any intertextual references?

No intertextual refrences at all, OK GO are very original with their concept ideas

Is it based mainly on performance based, narrative based or is it a concept idea?

It is a concept idea and shows something that hasnt been made before- very unique.

Narrative based music video- Lady gaga feat Beyonce- Telephone.
Genre characteristics:
Pop genre, very much shown as a film production.

What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?:

I noticed many areas of this music video which shows the relationship between lyrics and visuals. Two i noticed vvery dominatly was the firstly when Lady Gaga said the lyrics telephone and then showed a mobile phone in her hand. Secondly i noticed Lady Gaga wearing a telephone as hat and while wearing this hat she sang the lyrics 'I am sick and tired of my phone ringing' into the phone hat.

What is the relationship between music and visuals?
There is a slight relationship between music and visuals within this music video. For example when Lady Gaga holding the phone when dancing the audience will be able to hear ringing and a phone noise beeping in the background music.
Are there close-ups of the artsit and star image motifs?

There are many close-ups within this music video of both Lady Gaga and Beyonce.

Is there any reference to the notion of looking?

I have noticed there to be a lot of the notion of looking as both Lady Gaga look at the camera many times. I think this makes the audience more involved with the video rather than just having the audience role and watching.

Are there any intertextual references?

I noticed a prime example of intertexuality within this video. I noticed the musics video almost shown as a blockbuster film. The music video last for nine minutes and thirty one seconds this is twice the length of most other music videos. At the beginning of the film it has introductory credits shown such as who directed the film and who starred in the 'film'. Then when Gaga is walking down the prison text appears at the bottom of the screen showing where it is and what the date is, this is very common in films. throughout the music video it shows different scenes as if it was a film. At the end of the music video it shows the credits as a film would.

Is it based mainly on performance, narrative or a concept idea?
This music viedo i found to be narrative.

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