Tuesday 2 November 2010

Shooting schedule

Shooting schedule

Shooting diary- Day 6

Shooting diary- Day 6

This day was our final day of shooting. I found the filming itself sucessful, but we did have a problem of having no actors. This has resulted in us making changes when it comes to drawing up our final storyboard. We didnt want to use ourselves in our own footage but this was our only option and felt that we succeeded in our decsion.

This footage we got on this day was the footage that we will use as apart of the narrative part of the video. Therefore we used the location of Butts close a local park, in Hitchin.

I found the lighting to be very good, sometimes we found it difficult with showing conunity as the sun keep going in and out. However the rain came at the right time for us to film.

Shooting diary-day 5

Shooting diary- Day 5

Travelling to London to get shots was very important as apart of our story. We wanted to get the feel of the main woman and man lived in London. To get this point across we wanted to film St. paul's cathedral, Canary Wharf, the millenium bridge, the London bridge, Hyde park and The houses of parliment. We wanted this as apart of our narrative part of our music video. However we had problems with the camera equipment, as the light filter on the camera was broken this either made every in the shot too bright or too dark. This was very disapointing.


Filming shoot- day 4

On the friday after the thursday evening we did another hour and a half of filming which was successful in my eyes. The chairs and stage blocks were still there unfortuatly so we ha to work around it like the evening before. We decided to move the benches and music stands out of the hall as it was easier for us to film. We decided to leave the chairs and stage blocks and move the piano back, this kept continuity.

This day of shooting we tried different shots to what we already had shot. We did this by using shots such as crane shots that we attempted to use by using the balconly in the school hall and long shots. We did have a few issues with the camera as the battery of one of the cameras are were missing this resulted in us only using one camera.

We were asked to leave the hall, as a result of this the filming had to be stopped even though we needed more footage. We are hoping that we can get a camera out over half term to do some more filming that is needed.