Thursday 2 September 2010




After choosing our song 'You've got the love' by Florence and the machine. Adam and I decided to draw out a rough sketch of our initial storyboard idea. We did this on scrap paper just rough. Underneath these rough storyboarding's we have made other more clearer storyboards of what we plan to do.

Shots 1-9 Shots 10-16

This is a rough sketch of a map of the route we would use for our initial idea.

Shots 1-4

Shots 5-8

Shots 9-12

Shots 13-16

After much thought and looking at our storyboard we decided to change the storyboard completly. My partner and I think that this idea will suit the song better as there is more oppurtunity to goodwins theory which we want to acheive. Below is the second idea, it shows a 14 framed- grid with the story on the left side and the shots on the right side.

When deciding we wanted to use Florence and the machine for our music video we needed to get permission from the record company of our artist. For this we wrote a letter to the managing director of Island records, the letter below shows this.

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