Monday, 8 November 2010

CD cover design

CD cover design
As apart of our ancillary tasks, Adam and I have chosen to do a CD cover and a magazine advert, poster. We made our first draft for our CD cover just before we started filming our music video. We needed to do this before filming as we needed to plan what we would need to be within our photo shoot as apart of the cover.

We wanted the front cover to be a photo of the stool sitting on the stage with a spot light above it, as it was in the music video. As there was problems with the lighting within shooting, and could not use a spot light, to kept continuity we did not use a spot light for the stool in the photo shoot.

The back of the cover will be very simular to the front of the cover. We plan to have the reversed version of the front cover, this will show the camera looking out twoward the hall with the stool in the foreground.

The centered part of the CD cover will also be a photograph of the stool but this time it will be knocked over. Within the filming a part of it was to knock the stool to the ground. After it was knocked over we took a photograph of it so it would look the same fallen over, within the music video and the CD cover.

When it is folded out the left panel will show the man's head and then on the right panel it will show the main woman's head. The centre panel of the CD cover will show different photographs of the man and lead woman being very happy together we will then have a burnt affect with the photographs. We want this to give the sense that the woman wants these memories out of her life.

Acting problems

Acting problems

We did have some problems when it came to actors. After choosing Isobel for our leading actress as explained in a previous post, we also needed another female actress and an male actor.

After asking a few people we found two people to be apart of our video. Unfortunately they both dropped out on the day of filming, this created a major problems as we had no actors.

The only result to this was to use ourselves within the filming and we are hoping that we will get to shoot at another time so we have our planned actors within the footage but we are unsure.

It was a major problem and I think Adam and I got around the problem as best we could. We have made sure that one of us is filming. Our actors did not go to plan but we are hoping that how we have overcome the problem will not affect our music video.