Friday, 27 August 2010
Storyboard idea
2/ man sat on the end of the bed, then pushes his foot into shoes.
3/ Aerial shot of white bowl filled with cornflakes, man puts sppon in bowl and scoops.
4/ close up of his chest as he pulls jacket on.
5/ Finds note caught in briefcase- close up of hand grabbing handle. picks up case and puts down again. Rips note from case and reads- close up on note.
6/ crumples note and runs out of house, screws up note and throws to the floor- close up of note and he is seen leaving the door open and running.
7/ man runs to field- shows lots of jump cuts and quick shots to emphasise his panic and worry.
8/ Man gets to feild and looks for woman- reaches corn field as sun is rising and he searches to look for woman. lots of playful, 'turning' shots.
9/ Finds woman and begins to sign to her as she is deaf, she is stood in front of him. He signs an apology, asks for forgivness, and says he loves her. She responds and there are subtitles. He smiles.
10/ He starts walking towards her and she goes to him. They walk slowly.- Close ups of both sets of legs wading through the corn. Follwed by a long shot of the two.
11/ They get quicker, and walking becomes running, facial close ups and leg close ups. Lots of hazy 'nature' shots.
12/ They meet and embrace, lots of arty shits and editing, like initial storyboard.
Narrative/ Audience/Genre Theory
U2- With or without you
Genre characterisitics-
Rock genre, typical performance based music video, shows hints of a narrative aspect to the video.
What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?
There are not many links with the lyrics and visuals. However i did noticed when the main singer of the band sang 'my hands are tied' he then put his hand in a postion of being tied. Lip syncing is also shown.
What is the relationship between music and visuals?
Not many link between music and visuals. Within the chorus as the sign gets louder the main singer of the band moves around more and slow editing cuts and overlapping of images are shown.
Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?
There are not many close-ups shown through the music video however there are a few that are shown of some of the band members and mostly the main singer. There image motif is shown through clothing the band wear what they normally wear there own rock style look.
Is there any reference to the notion of looking?
There are many times where the notion of looking is used within this music video. I have noticed that only the main singer of the band looks directly at the camera except from one member not singing does. The main singer looks at the camera very often.Are there any intertextual references?
I did not see any intertextual references within the music video.
Is it based mainly on performance, narrative or a concept idea?
The music video is mainly performance based, however there are slight hints of narrative as it shows an element of memories such as flashbacks as if it is telling the story at the same time.
The next music video I analysed linking to goodwins theory was By the Ting Tings- shut up and let me go.
Genre characteristics-
What is the relationship between music and visuals?
Not many noticable relation between the music and visuals.
What is the relationship between lyrics and visuals?- I noticed a few relations between thr lyrics and visuals. The first i noticed was when the female singer sang 'holding me im not containable' she sang this while the man holding her dropped her. I also noticed when the female singer sang 'HEY' the word 'HEY' appeared on the screen, this happened a few times with different words.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?
Is there any reference to the notion of looking?
I did notice reference to the notion of looking within this music video. I notcied the female singer looking at the camera very often but the male within the video did not look at the camera as much and I think the audience would find it hard to relate to the man as he is wearing sunglasses un like the woman. I found there to be a notion of looking between the man and woman this gives a sense of looking in on there relationship for the auidence.
Are there any intertextual references?
There not any intertextual references that i have noticed.
Is it based mainly on performance, narrative or a concept based idea?
I would say this music video is mainly a concept idea music video as the idea is very orignal with the use of hands that are joined together then for the camrea to zoom into the hands into another part of the music video. I found another reason was that the video is very random. Even though i did think it shows as a concept music video i think it has a slight narrative based idea from as a viewer there is a clear outline that the is some sort of relationship between the pair through body language.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Tuesday, 24 August 2010