Monday 10 January 2011

Question 4/
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Through the research, planning, construction and the evaluation stages I have used many new media technologies within this question I will discuss what type of new media technology I have used for what part of my portfolio.

When Starting of with my research and beginning to plan for my music video and ancillary tasks I used the Internet to research other artists to get inspiration for my own work. When I would find research that was relevant for what I was researching I would put the information on to is an online diary where i can post planning stages such as research into other artists and how they have used the conventions of Goodwin's theory for example. I used to post everything that I have learnt throughout this project and everything that I plan to do to make my project successful, such as storyboard, shooting schedules videos of other artists music videos when researching them.

We used Canon digital video cameras when we started filming after we had our storyboard planned. We used a tripod when necessary such as when the singer was on the stool singing we needed a steady straight shot or when the camera panned when the woman and man were walking in the narrative part of the music video. We then used a hand held camera effect when we didn't want such a steady shot e.g. when the woman walked across the field and the shot shows a high angles shot.

After filming we started editing using the Mac computers and using a edition software called iMovie. We used different effects to create what we created for our final music video. To lip sync the music video we muted the sound that we had picked up from filming and then put the soundtrack on top. We then needed to match the movement of the singers lips to the lyrics heard. We did use colourisation within out music video. Within the narrative part of the video we used iMovie and colourisation technique of turning the footage black and white. We only did this for the narrative part of the music video to show a flashback and almost a film view of the music video. The main part of the narrative part of the music video when the woman catches the man with another woman we made the colour of the footage brighter and higher in tensity to what the normal colour of the footage would be. We did this effect specifically at this times of the video within the narrative part to single out the importance of this part of the story. The editing software made sure that we can use transitions within the music video to give the effect it is a music video. When using iMovie we also used a technique called ken burns this simply meant we could pan a shot without panning it within filming. It presented us with an arrow and we would pull the arrow in the direction we wanted the shot to pan. We used this frequently mostly within the performance section of the music video.

When doing the ancillary tasks I used lighting effects to enhance the lighting on the lighting of the same photograph what we created for both of the ancillary tasks. I used serif photo plus to adapt the lighting of the front cover photograph of the digi-pack and the main photograph on the magazine poster. I also made the atcual ancillary tasks on serif page plus 11 which is a piece of software that has many tools possible to make a Digi-pack and ancillary task. Within the filming of the music video we did have an issue with lighting as we wanted a spotlight above the artists head, this was not possible so we used the normal lights but as it was on a stage we could adapt the lighting by using certain lights available to us at the time.

When using my blog to help me with my research and explaining my research I needed to use software and be able to put certain software on to my blog. I used different types of software such as uploading photographs I had print screened previously straight on to my blogger account. I also used YouTube to research in to different types of music videos to analyse them I then embedded these videos on to my blogger account.
I did have trouble uploading my video response for question 3 within the evaluation. When I tried uploading my video it would not work. As it would not work I had to figure out what the problem was and resolve it. I looked on what movie type files blogger accepted. One of these was a Quicktime file. I think the reason for why my video was not letting me upload was because the file was too big. I eventually found a piece of software called movie plus which I downloaded. This made the file into a Quicktime file and I was then able to upload the video on to my blog.

This screen shot shows an example of how we muted the sound of the footage to then play the sound track over the footage.

This also the way that stabilization works which we used. We simply selected a section of footage and stabilized it as parts were slightly shaky.

Above shows a screen shot of an example of colourisation within our music video. We made this part of the video higher and brighter in colour as we wanted to show a significance difference at this part of the video as we find it an important part and wanted to show this visually through colour.

This screen shot shows the soundtrack music for our music video.

Within our music video we did use an editing process called ken burns. This shows when dragging the arrow the way you want the shot to go it then makes the shot pan the way you want it to.

This is a print screen of the blogger account that I have used within my planning, constuction and evaluation stages.

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