Friday 3 December 2010

Editing day 2: 19th November

We have had some difficult experiences with lip syncing as we have found it to be very difficulkt matching the mouthing of our actor to the atcual uploaded recorded song. The lip syncing is getting better now we know how to over come issues. This was partly effected from the transitions we placed within the project as when we made the lip syncing fitting to the song we then would put a transition before or after the singing, this would then make the timing out again n the lip sycing. We over come this by making sure we put transitions in before placing the shots into the project.

We did find the tranistions hard to fit in at times as we set the transitions to be for one second but after watching it we found it to be to quick so we have decided to slow the transitions down. We have decided to have a slow dissolve for most of the transitions but have one as a cross dissolve as we thought it fitted the time of the music video better.

We did notice that the lighting on the footage wasn't good and found it to be grainy and dark. But we found out that it was the same for other groups this meant it was the cameras not our filming.
By the end of this time we had got 30 seconds of footage completed.

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