Tuesday 30 November 2010

Original images taken for ancillary task: CD Cover- our first ancillary idea:

These images are the photos Adam and I took while filming. We wanted to use the photos from when when we filmed to show house colours.

These images are from our new idea for our ancillary tasks they show the two woman and the man from our music video. We plan to merge the left side of the blonde womans face (eye and nose) and the other womans right side (eye and nose). We then plan to merge the mans chin on to the face. This idea will be presented on the front cover of the digipack. On the reverse front cover we hope to present the fallen over stool that is shown within the music video we took the image while filming to keep continuity. This will show our house colours which are oranges and reds, within the music video and within the CD cover. The third panel we want to show a torn up bits of the womans diary with certain relevant words on the pieces of paper from the music video and single. We need to add another panel to meet the conventions of a CD cover. We plan to have a simple black background with a simple font in the colour of orange for the song list this is to keep the house colours. We plan to have apart of the cloth from the stool shown on the back as apart of the design.

We did our editing for our digi pack on serif page plus 11 and serif photo plus, this made it possible to combine the photographs together to make one face. We also changed the lighting of the photograaph to give it a better effect.

The process for the second panel of the digi pack. This shows all of the house colours. The stool that is fallen in the photograph is the same as how it fell within the music video.

The process of the third panel of the digi pack. This photograph shows what i meant to be torn up bit of paper from a diary. It shows lyrics from the song and also shows apart of the song list.

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