Thursday 15 July 2010

Having a 'niche'

Having a 'niche'?
Having a 'niche' is when a band/artist has something that sets them apart and when something is different from other bands.
Heather Mcdonald gives the following advice to artists:
Find your niche- The sad truth is, every writer, radio station, website or fan for that matter , you are trying to reach is likely being bombarded with info from other music hopefuls.
Creating a niche has many different aspect to it. It could include Cammerawork, editing, star image motifs, voyeurism, audience engagement and style of music video (narrative, perfomance, concept based.)
Camerawork; The close-up seems to predominate.
John stewart of oil Facotory states that he sees the music video as essentially having the aesthetics of the TV commercial, with lots of close ups and lighting being used most prominently for the star's face.
- Significant impact upon meaning.
Camera movement, angle and shot distance all need to be analysed.
- The close-up predominates
- Partly becasue of the size of the screen.
- The desire to create a sense of intimacy for the viewer.
-It also emphasises half of the commodity on sale (not just the song, but the artist.)
The most common form of editing associtated with the music promo is:
-fast cut montage (lots of images flashing quickly sometimes along with the music.), rendering many of the images impossible to grasp on first viewing thus ensuring multiple viweing. Slow pace is often used and gentler transistions to establish a certain mood. e.g dido.
- digital effects which play with the original images to offer different kinds of pleasure for the audience.
- split screens
- colourisation
-blockbuster film style CGI.
Examples of the editing being very slow and establishes a mood, are artist coldplay and their song- violent hill, and artist Radiohead and their song- street spirit.
Having a 'niche' can vary in what form it is. It could be in many forms examples of 'niche' could be fashion and comedy.

An example of comedy and 'niche' would be Lily Allen.

Lily allen was born 2nd may 1985. She really started being her career after her mainstream first single called 'smile' was released in the 2006 with regal records. Lily Allen started with the myspace viral marketing root then becoming more successful after being noticed by thousands on myspace and more importantly regal records.

Lily Allen has shown a very comical theme throughout her music. she has shown a fun loving, funny outlook in her videos and also within her lyrics within her songs, such as 'smile', 'the fear' and .


Even though Lily allen style has changed through from her first single 'smile' to her current work she has always kept to the comical theme through her clothes and lyrics and sassy acting through her videos.

'The fear'

I think she was sucessful with record compaines as this her niche is something that isnt seen very often especially within a young female artist.

The way in which Lily Allen first promoted herself using a social networking sight called myspace, would not work for our artist as Florence and the machine is already a signed artist who is well known. However we could take insperation from Lily allen's niche and use comic effect to our album. Florence and the machine is an different type of artist to Lily allen but i think if we decided to use the comic niche effect such as Lily Allen we could make a good oppurtunity of it.

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